18 September 2013

The Purpose of Starting this Blog

The idea for this blog started from a feeling of loneliness and disconnection from friends and people in general. After my friends from England visited in July it hit me just how isolated I am here in Finland. There is no fault to be put on anyone. I do see my loving husband everyday and I see my in-laws once a week or so. But due to lacking language skills on my part and fear of speaking English on the part of others there is a real lack of any true friendship feeling here for me in Salo. I have some very dear friends who do willingly speak English and who are willing to put up with my not so polished Finnish skills they just do not live in Salo. So as an attempt to reconnect with those friends of mine from the United States who I communicated with on a regular basis before I moved to Finland I decided to start this blog. It also has the combined purpose of giving me a place to vent my feelings and experiences and tell about what is all going on with me. Not just for old friends but also for new friends I've made through the internet and Facebook in the time since I moved to Finland.

It is my hope that this blog will give my friends, family, and other concerned parties a window into what is going on in my silly, complicated, loving, amazingly awesome life here in Finland. I also hope that it gives me a better sense of community and friendship and a chance to reconnect with the people who are important to me.

Feel free to comment and ask questions. But please try not to judge too harshly.


1 comment:

  1. Okay...here goes...never do this kind of thing. However, would love to hear more about Finland and the surrounding countries, as they are part of my heritage(Sweden!). What is a typical weekday entail? Weekends? What do most people do for entertainment? How different is it in a large city compared to a small town?
