14 October 2013

Busy few weeks

So a lot has been happening in my life in the past few weeks. At least it feels like a lot to me and its kept me from getting on here and making a blog update. I hope this covers all that's happened. I'm sure if I forget something then I'll mention it at some later date.

So firstly I went to the nutritionist. I was not pleased with the results. According to her scale I've gained over 7 kg since the last time I was there in early July. This is UNACCEPTABLE in my opinion. So now I've got this assignment to make a food journal for her and take it back at the end of October. I plan to do it this week. It should be interesting to see what she says about everything. I hope she has some answers or sends me back to the doctor for tests like she's promised. I mean over 50 kg in 2 yr 5 months is ridiculous.  Here let me break that down for those of you who don't use metrics. 15.5 lbs gained between July 2nd and September 30th. A grand total of 116.8 or lets say 117 lbs in the time since I moved to Finland.

How about a more visual:
Spring 2011 (Feb/March)
Late April 2011

And here is a picture of me in July 2013 I don't have a more recent picture than this but you'll get the idea: 

Mid July 2013

So I hope this visual makes it even more clear how big an issue this weight gain is for me.

I've been eating lots of salad and drinking lots of water. Eating lean protein and snacking way less. Exercising as much as my new larger size allows, which is not really a lot. I get exhausted quite easy and I don't have the same strength that I used to. I remember biking and roller blading and walking to and from class etc and being totally content. I worked really hard at Wal-mart not that I had a difficult job, but it required speed and physical strength. I gained a lot of muscle doing that job and have since lost it all.

Google is probably sick of searching for reasons why a 24 year old could have gained so much weight with no explanation. But I'll keep researching until I find something that makes sense. So far the only thing that seems remotely likely is Hypothyroidism. I know my grandmother has thyroid problems but I'm not sure exactly what her problems are. I guess I should ask. They did a blood panel last year and said my thyroid was working just fine. But I just don't know if I can believe them. I guess I'll have to push for more tests. If I can't get them at the city doctors I'll have to resort to private sector care.

I also had a minor surgery to remove a piece of nail that remained behind after my surgery in January to correct my ingrown toenail. It is taking a long time to heal this time around and today became very infected. I'm back on antibiotics hopefully that will put an end to it. But that's just one more thing on the hypothyroidism check-list, more frequent infections.

Also in other news. I've been tagging along with my husband and his mother while they morn and bury his father. Its been a learning experience. The funeral process in Finland is very different from what I was used to growing up. But at the same time, perhaps I just didn't have this much knowledge before I mean the only funerals I've been to were for a uncle and a grandfather. I was a pre-teen then so probably the planning details didn't get shared with me. Its quite the different experience being this close to the planning. I am doing my very best to be strong and supportive of both of them in this difficult time. I know my father-in-law will be missed because he was an integral part of our little family.

Home-garde attempt 1.0 has failed. I have yet to go to the store to get more soil to replace the old stuff but I should really get on that and buying some lights to help my little plants grow. All my plants died due to excessive over-watering on my part. I'll have to do a better job at this next time.

So there's an in-depth update as to what's been happening in my life the past few weeks.

More to come when there is something to report.

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