1 October 2014

Free Time Again!

Well as many of you may know the primary reason for this being a very inactive blog is that shortly after the new year I started some mandatory schooling provided by the unemployment office here that was designed to get us foreigners in Salo to decide what degree program we'd like to enter, and as that was going on a managed to land a six month employment contract for summer help at the same company where my husband works. So I've been in school or working since the start of Feb. But now my contract is at an end and didn't get extended and today is officially my first day unemployed again. So I again have time to write this blog and do all the other things that keep me occupied while my husband is busy bringing home the bacon.

Some things that have happened in the past months, well I started crocheting more than hats and scarves, I crocheted my first shawl about a month ago and I'm currently close to finishing a second one in different colours. I will post more about them with pictures in a stand alone blog entry.

I decided that I'm taking a trip to England in November to see some friends, some who I saw just last year and others who I haven't seen since my freshman year of college ended in the spring of 2008. It is a very exciting time for me as I am going solo and I've never been to England before. The one thing that makes it not as scary as my first trip to Finland is that at least they speak English in England. =)

I had a girl's night out with a lovely friend in Helsinki and it definitely needs repeating as I didn't have any idea how much I missed the "me" time. I love being a wife and being a couple, but who knew I do need some me time after all.

Finally and most important, the hubby and I have decided to give healthy eating another go. We've done a lot of thinking about it and now that I have all this free time I can explore new healthy recipes and we got a food saver so we can vacuum pack proteins that we buy in bulk and we can really give this a good go.

I'll successfully keep up this blog. And keep all you lovely people informed.

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